
Monday, January 16, 2012


Today we got in our (free) samples for invitations from the stunning Bella Figura!!

They sure know what they're doing. They sent a bunch of little sample things. And maaaaaaannnn, once you have it in hand it's so hard to turn away from it. And Adam, ever the demanding diva, WANTS them! It's a LITTLE bit over our allotted budget depending on what options we pick (and can be just at budget depending on options). He keeps saying "We're getting them! These are it!!" I'm trying to be the stricter harder decision maker but it's hard! Cause I want them too!!

We'll see how we decide in the next couple of weeks.

In other news,

- We are way ahead in planning than all the "ultimate wedding planning guides" suggest we be. We're at about the "4 - 6 months before" time frame even though we're about 9/8 months away.
- This morning I played dress up and put on the entire ensemble. Gown, shoes, late night coverup/sweater, hair accessories.
- finding catering has turned out to be a total pain in the butt.
- We recently got matching journals for writing drafts and such of our vows and love letters to read after the wedding.
- we have both agreed, we're sick of waiting around and want to just have our wedding now.

Time passes SO slowly when you have an even like this to look forward to.

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