
Friday, December 2, 2011

No rest for affianced.

Once I get wedding on the brain, sleep seems impossible.

I can spend very valuable late night sleep-time hours tossing and turning about things like how to seam burlap, how many folded papers I should make a week to reach my goal of a trillion by september, or what our signature cocktail should be. It's all very trivial, but it spins in my brain all night while Adam gently snore away.

So what is it tonight? Wedding websites. There are the free, the cheesy, the cheap, the downright ugly, and the DIY. While Adam and I both have relatively designer/creative like minds, website programming isn't something we excel at (yet), so I don't forsee us programming our own.

And then, like a strike of lightning, it hits me! I know just what to do!! I shake Adam awake to explain, he nods with eyes closed while I yammer on and on about whatever-whatever, he says, "great!" And goes back to sleep.

Thus is the exciting life of the engaged.

(For the record, I'm a PLANNER, not a bridezilla.)

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