
Thursday, April 19, 2012

'Ring it in!

Adam's wedding band came in last week and mine will ship this upcoming tuesday!!

I'm SOOOOO excited!!!!!!!!

Our list of "Wedding things to do" is getting shorter and shorter!!!

Have you all checked out our wedding website already?

We just put up new hotel info! Be sure to make your hotel reservations early!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

To splurge or not to splurge, that is the question.

Luxury wedding invitations - worthwhile or not?

On one hand, Adam and I will probably be the only ones to notice/appreciate/care. So it isn't REALLY worth it.

On the other hand, if WE (the official wedding couple) are going to notice/appreciate/care, isn't that enough? If we'll love it, isn't it worth it?

Decisions, decisions...
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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Name Change

As most of you probably know, Adam and I aren't a very traditional couple. A great thing about modern marriage is that it's open for us to define. We create the rules of our relationship and we shape what marriage is to us.

Part of that will be a name change. Adam and I have both decided, after we get married to change our last names.

We'll both hyphenate our names to be "Tan-Ceja" so that way neither of us is giving up our identities or our name ties to our family but we'll still have the traditional same family name. Both of us are really happy and excited with this decision.

Maybe we're just lucky that we both have such short last names. Can you imagine if they were long names? We'd end up having a ten syllable name!

To go along with all of this, the entire reason I've explained all of this, is because we recently bought services to a new website called They have all of the forms necessary for changing a last name based on marriage. You answer all of their questions and they put all the info into the forms, you print it out, send it, and ta-da! A formerly pain in the butt hassle of a process simplified! And did you know that there are only 8 US states that accept a man changing his last name due to marriage? That sounds a little unfair, if you ask me. But thankfully, California is one of those 8!

I can't wait until we get married and can change our names. A sort of strange thing to be looking forward to...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Ring Around

I spend most of my free time throughout the day fantasizing about getting my ring in the mail.

Just thought I'd share.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Our website!!!

We've set up our wedding website!!

It has information regarding hotels and travelling.

In the future we'll have registry information and you'll be able to RSVP online!


March ends

We've been busy little wedding planner bees!

We've even finally gotten something done!

We've ordered our wedding bands! It's SO exciting! Maybe one of my favorite things we've done so far. They're both custom so they won't be here until around May. So much waiting! I can't waaaaiiiit!

We've finalized plans with our florist. We're planning lush, beautiful, and varied arrangements of roses, sweet peas, and lisianthus. I can't wait to see what they have for us. It's bound to be beautiful!

We're STILL in the final stages of catering contracts but hopefully that'll be taken care of eventually. We're currently debating the endless source of food that comes with a buffet vs. the fancier feel of a served dinner. Plus the cost of rentals. So it's a more involved process that has a lot of smaller details. It will be the last BIG thing about planning for us to get done. After that it's all small details!

We've started searching into "month of" planners too!

Adam and both Miguels have gone on two suit shopping excursions. All that's left is to order them!

The girls and I have gone bridesmaid shopping which was a semi-disaster. But that's a whole other blog entry...

Time is counting down and we're getting really really close!